Sweet Avocado Quick Bread

4.92 from 306 votes

This avocado quick bread is the perfect breakfast, or snack! The loaf is sweet, but not too sweet and the avocado makes this bread moist and gives it a natural green color!

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Move over avocado toast – this avocado quick bread recipe is about to become your new favorite! This sweet-ish avocado bread is super moist, has just the right amount of sweetness, and can be made with only seven ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. Best of all, it mixes together quickly and is the perfect way to use up those ripe avocados sitting on your counter.

Top view of avocado bread with a few thick slices cut and knife off to side.
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Looking for a quick and easy avocado bread recipe? Look no further! This recipe is simple to follow and will have you enjoying delicious avocado quick bread in no time. The best part is that this bread is healthy and nutritious, making it the perfect snack or breakfast option. So what are you waiting for? Give this recipe a try today!

I made the first loaf exactly as the recipe was written. The family loved it. I added 1 ½ tsp of cinnamon and ½ cup chopped pecans to the second loaf. Both turned out very well.
We will try the savory version the next time we have extra avocados.

Thanks for the recipe!Brenda

Recipe at a Glance

Cuisine Inspiration: American
Primary Cooking Method: Baking
Dietary Info: Vegetarian
Key Flavor: Slightly Sweet
Skill Level: Easy


  • Keeps well! Surprisingly, the beautiful green color doesn’t fade, and the avocado doesn’t go bad in the baked loaf. You can enjoy it for a few days or freeze some slices for later.
  • Moist, sweet bread. The avocado makes the quick bread so moist, it’s hard to believe there’s no oil or butter in the recipe. The sugar ratio is just right, too – not too sweet and not at all savory.
  • Quick & easy. This avocado quick bread recipe comes together in a snap! It’s the perfect way to use up those ripe avocados before they go bad.
  • Perfect for breakfast or a snack. Slather on some butter, jam, or eat it as is – this avocado bread is perfect for breakfast or a snack. It’s also great to have on hand when unexpected guests drop by.

Ingredients to make avocado bread

  • Avocado: Ripe avocados are key for this recipe. You’ll need two large or three small avocados for this recipe. You can use unripe avocados if that’s all you have, but the bread won’t be as moist.
  • All-purpose flour: You can use wheat or white all-purpose flour for this recipe. I haven’t tried it with gluten-free flour, but let me know in the comments below if you give it a try!
  • Baking powder: Keeps your avocado bread from being too dense and gives it some fluff. Use aluminium-free to avoid a bitter taste.
  • Sugar: You can use white sugar, brown sugar, or coconut sugar in this recipe. I’ve even used honey with great results.
  • Egg: Helps bind everything together.
  • Vanilla extract: Gives the bread a delicious flavor and aroma. You can omit this if you don’t have any on hand.
  • Salt: A little bit of salt brings out the flavors in the bread and helps balance the sweetness.
Ingredients for bread recipe: eggs, flour ,sugar, vanilla, baking powder, and two avocados.

How to make avocado bread

This quick avocado bread is super simple to make. The batter comes together in under 10 minutes, and then it’s off to the oven.

Mix the Avocado Bread Batter

  1. In a large bowl, use a hand mixer on medium-high speed to cream the avocados and sugar until completely smooth.
  2. At this point, it will look like guacamole!
  3. Add the eggs and vanilla extract.
  4. Whisk until they are fully incorporated into the batter.
  5. Add the dry ingredients to the wet.
  6. Using a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula, gently fold in the dry ingredients until no streaks remain.
6 image collage for the steps to making bread recipe in one bowl.

Bake the Avocado Bread

  1. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper.
  2. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean.
2 image collage showing bread before being baked and after being baked in a loaf pan lined with parchment paper.

Omg! Thanks for sharing this. I made this bread this morning, and I’m already addicted.
I wanted to use all almond flour, but at the end I ended up with ½ and ½ (I only have enough for 1 cup). It came out so good! It has a hint of nutty flavor from the nut, as if I incorporated chopped nuts in it. I will definitely make another batch with all almond flour next time.

Tips for Making this Avocado Quick Bread Recipe

  1. Use soft and ripe avocados. Ripe avocados are key for this recipe. They make the bread moist and give it a delicious flavor. If your avocados aren’t ripe, you can place them in a paper bag with a banana or apple overnight to speed up the ripening process.
  2. Don’t overmix the batter! Over-mixing quick bread batter will result in a tough and dense loaf of bread. Stir just until the ingredients are combined – no need to overdo it.
  3. Bake the bread on the middle rack. This will help ensure that your avocado bread bakes evenly.
  4. Line your loaf pan with parchment paper. This will help prevent the bread from sticking to the pan and make cleanup a breeze.
  5. Let the bread cool completely before slicing. This will help prevent your avocado bread from falling apart.
Close up showing the texture of a slice of bread from baked loaf.
  • Add chocolate chips. For a delicious twist, add in a cup of chocolate chips to the batter. You can also top the bread with chocolate chips after it’s baked.
  • Make it savory. If you’re not a fan of sweet quick breads, you can easily make this recipe savory by omitting the sugar and adding in some chopped herbs or cheese.
  • Replace 1 avocado with 1 ripe banana. If you don’t have enough avocados or they’re not ripe enough, you can replace one avocado with a ripe banana. The bread won’t be as moist, but it will still be delicious.
  • Use honey instead of refined sugar. For a healthier twist, you can use honey in place of the refined sugar. The bread will be slightly less sweet, but just as delicious.

What to Eat with Avocado Bread

The avocado bread has a small hint of avocado taste that is not too overpowering and a subtle sweetness from the sugar. It’s a pretty simple bread without any overpowering flavors, so spread one of these toppings on top.

Fresh baked bread loaf sliced thickly with two slices falling forward and a side of hazelnut spread in a small bowl.

How to Store & Reheat this Easy Avocado Bread Recipe

This avocado quick bread can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container or wrapped in plastic wrap for up to four days.

To reheat, simply pop a slice of avocado bread in the toaster or microwave until warmed through. You can also reheat the entire loaf of bread in the oven at 350°F for about 15 minutes.

How long will avocado bread last in the fridge?

I have actually kept the bread once for 6 days, and it still looked green and tasted good!

Can I freeze avocado bread?

Yes! I wrapped it in plastic wrap and then placed it in a freezer bag. It lasted for about two months.

When you’re ready to eat it, just thaw it overnight on the counter or pop it in the microwave for a few seconds.

Frequently asked questions

Can I make this recipe without sugar?

Yes! You can either omit the sugar altogether or replace it with a natural sugar like honey.

My avocado bread is dense and heavy. What happened?

If your avocado bread is dense and heavy, it’s likely because you overmixed the batter. Be sure to mix just until the ingredients are combined – no need to overdo it.

Can I make this recipe gluten-free?

Yes! Just use a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend in place of the regular flour. I don’t recommend just using almond flour or coconut flour, though.

I don’t have a loaf pan. Can I bake this avocado bread in a different type of pan?

Yes! You can use an eight or nine-inch round cake pan, an eight or nine-inch square baking pan, or a muffin tin lined with muffin liners. You’ll need to adjust the cooking time. Make sure to keep an eye on it if you do switch out the pan.

Slice of avocado bread with hazelnut spread.

There you have it – a quick and easy avocado bread recipe that is sure to please! With only seven ingredients and minimal prep time, this recipe is perfect for busy weekdays or when unexpected guests drop by. Give it a try, and let me know what you think in the comments below.

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Avocado Quick Bread

This avocado quick bread is the perfect breakfast, or snack! The loaf is sweet, but not too sweet and the avocado makes this bread moist and gives it a natural green color!
4.9 from 306 votes
Servings 12 slices
Course Side Dish
Calories 194
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
0 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
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  • Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 9×5-inch loaf pan with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk the flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, use a hand mixer on medium-high speed to cream the avocados and sugar until completely smooth. Whisk in the eggs and vanilla extract until they are fully incorporated into the batter.
  • Using a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula, gently fold in the dry ingredients until no streaks remain.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of the loaf comes out clean, 55-60 minutes. Remove the bread from the oven. Set the pan on a wire rack and allow the bread to cool completely in the pan.


Storage: This avocado bread will keep at room temperature for up to 4 days and up to 6 days in the fridge. 


Calories: 194kcal, Carbohydrates: 32g, Protein: 4g, Fat: 6g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 4g, Trans Fat: 1g, Cholesterol: 41mg, Sodium: 67mg, Potassium: 251mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 13g, Vitamin A: 108IU, Vitamin C: 3mg, Calcium: 35mg, Iron: 1mg

Nutrition information provided is an estimate. It will vary based on cooking method and specific ingredients used.

Cuisine American
Course: Side Dish
4.92 from 306 votes (279 ratings without comment)

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  1. Michelle says:

    I added a lime glaze and it is divine!!

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Yum, that sounds so good!!

  2. Ying says:

    Looks delicious! Can I use frozen avocado instead? And much should I use if so? Thank you!!

    1. Yumna says:

      I haven’t tried using frozen, but as long as it is thawed it should work just fine. I would use about 1 1/2 cups of mashed avocado.

  3. CJ says:

    Easy to make. The aroma is heavenly! I used gluten free flours (buckwheat, brown rice, tiger nut) and it turned out perfectly. I think I will try it next time with less sugar. This first loaf was very sweet – sweeter than cake! Just one thin slice caused my husband’s blood sugar to be high the next morning.

    1. Yumna says:

      Thanks for your feedback!

  4. Karen B says:

    Made a savory version with just salt, olive oil, and flaxseed in place of half the flour. Not bad! Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Yumna says:

      Thanks for sharing!

  5. Irene says:

    I wish I read the comments before I started making this. I did exactly as told but it was so dense, it didn’t rise up, not moist nor fluffy as the author claimed. I just wasted ingredients. I never wanted to waste food and would usually keep the not so successful first try against my husband’s advice but this one will go straight to the trash.

    1. Yumna says:

      I’m so sorry this didn’t work out well for you. I have had great success with it, but I am currently retesting it based on recent comments to make sure it works out perfectly for everyone.

  6. Dawn says:

    I highly recommend that you don’t try this recipe. Worst bread I have ever had.

    1. Yumna says:

      I’m so sorry this didn’t come out well for you. I’d love to help you troubleshoot if you provided some more details on what went wrong.

  7. Stephanie says:

    Made this as written. Used ripe avocados. Smelled awful baking and tasted equally awful. One bite and I threw the rest in the trash. My advice to people reading this is to not make it

    1. Yumna says:

      I’m so sorry to hear this didn’t come out well for you. I am going to retest it ASAP.

  8. poopypants says:

    this is illegal, the fbi showed up to my house after it was done baking. i managed to get a bite and it’s addicting. make this at your own risk.(also add butter to your slice before you eat it. makes it taste creamier 👍)

    1. Yumna says:

      Ha! Glad you enjoyed it.

  9. Brenda says:

    Please change your ingredients to say “aluminum free baking powder”. I wasted all these ingredients. This is not edible.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      So sorry, I assumed most everyone is baking now with aluminum free baking powder, but I know what they say about assumptions! I updated the ingredients, thank you for the feedback.

  10. Adina Sharf says:

    My bred came out slightly bitter. What could be the cause? All the avocados were just ripened and had been picked directly from my tree.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Oh no! So sorry to hear that. Did you use aluminum free baking powder? If not the aluminum can cause a bitter of taste.PS jealous you’ve got an avocado tree!!

  11. Laureen says:

    I won’t make this again. I made it exactly as written, adding chocolate chips as one of the options. It was so heavy and dense. Didn’t care for it at all. I’ve eaten three pieces of it and will throw the rest in the trash.

    1. Yumna says:

      i’m so sorry to hear this didn’t come out to your liking. Was your baking powder fairly fresh?

      1. Laureen Griffith says:

        Yes, my baking powder is fine.

        1. Yumna says:

          Again, sorry the texture was not to your liking. Only other thing I can think of that may impact the texture is were your avocados nice and ripe or fairly firm?

        2. Cayley 🫶🏼 says:

          Im 10 and love baking.
          I’ve been baking for my entire life and as a person who hates avocados,this was a winner for me!
          (Also it can be kept on my warm countertop for a week!)

          1. Yumna says:

            So happy you enjoyed it!

  12. Brenda says:

    I made the first loaf exactly as the recipe was written. The family loved it.
    I added 1 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and 1/2 cup chopped pecans to the second loaf.
    Both turned out very well.
    We will try the savory version the next time we have extra avocados.
    Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Yumna says:

      Love the additions, sounds so good! Thanks for letting me know!

  13. Rosemary says:

    I followed the recipe and the outcome was fantastic. I’m wondering if I can make it with an egg substitute cause I have family members who are vegan

    1. Yumna says:

      So glad it came out well for you! Unfortunately I have yet to try this with an egg substitute, but if you give it a try, let me know!

  14. Kalina says:

    Delicious bread! It was so easy to make! I will definitely make it again!

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Thank you so much!!

  15. Dorothy Adams says:

    Omg! Thanks for sharing this. I made this bread this morning, and I’m already addicted.
    I wanted to use all almond flour, but at the end I ended up with 1/2 and 1/2 (I only have enough for 1 cup).
    It came out so good! It has a hint of nutty flavor from the nut, as if I incorporated chopped nuts in it.
    I will definitely make another batch with all almond flour next time.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      So happy to hear that it toured out well for you!

  16. Tinker says:

    I made this for a potluck, so went with mini muffins. Never again. I think all the scooping overworked the batter. The texture was odd. Flavor was good but nothing to wtite home about. I’ll try again in a loaf pan and maybe check out some of the optional suggestion for some added flavor boost.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Thank you for the feedback! So sorry it didn’t turn out how you expected.

      1. Tinker says:

        But I haven’t given up! First I’ll try a loaf as written, and then… who knows?

  17. michelle says:

    If I replace the sugar with honey, how much honey should I use? 3/4 cups would make it too wet, wouldn’t it?

    1. Yumna J. says:

      I would use 3/4 cup – but keep in mind the bread will be more on the savory side as honey is really a delicate sweetness.

  18. Keir Livingston says:

    I’ve wanted to make this for a while and finally did today- oh my gosh it is so good! Even my family members who had an aversion to avocados loved it. I definitely recommend and am looking forward to making this again.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      So happy to hear that!!

  19. A says:

    it looks amazing but what are the measurements???

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Hi there, you can find the measurements in the recipe card right above the comment section. I hope you enjoy!

  20. Olivia says:

    made this recipe and the batter tasted great… then baked it and it was the most bitter thing ever. i’m wondering what went wrong!

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Did you use aluminum free baking powder? If not, then the baking powder with aluminum does make the bread taste, bitter. So sorry to hear that it didn’t turn out well for you!

    2. jodi says:

      if you use unripe avocados, it will taste bitter. you have to use the soft ripe avocados to avoid the bitter taste

  21. Abby Freking says:

    Delicious and so so easy! I followed the recipe and it came out exactly like the pictures. I wanted to put some goat cheese on it but we were out. I settled for some whipped cream instead and it was amazing!! I also think it would taste delicious as the bread in an egg in the nest.

    Next time I want to try the savory way and maybe make muffins.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Thanks so much!

  22. Rachel says:

    Made this several times, it’s delicious. I was surprised by how sweet it was the first time. I cut the sugar in half the second time and that was a hit! Such a great recipe for using avocados that ripped to quickly for my family to eat.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      So glad you liked it, Rachel!

  23. sharen says:

    very nice recipe! i used half all purpose flour half almond flour and it turned out great. I liked the amount of avocado flavor but my family say its very subtle. is there a way i can make the avocado flavor come out more?

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Hi Sharen, great question. I think that really is going to depend on how ripe your avocados are. Avocados have a delicate flavor in general so I am not sure if there is a way to really enhance it.

  24. Malena says:

    I made this bread yesterday and it came out perfect! Delicious, slightly sweet (cut the sugar down to 1/2 cup) & moist! My family loved it! Will definitely make it again and will try it savoury next time…

    1. Yumna J. says:

      So glad you liked it!

  25. Cheryl says:

    I just made this and it tasted very bitter. I followed the steps exactly as it is. Where do you think I went wrong?

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Oh no! I am sorry to hear that. Your avocados may have been off. Were they green or too ripe? Or it may be the baking powder, did you use aluminum-free?

  26. lonna says:

    could you substitute oat flour instead of white flour and egg whites instead of whole eggs?

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Since oat flour is gluten-free, it’s going to mess up the ratios between the dry and wet ingredients. I haven’t tested this with oat flour, so I’m not sure how it affects it. Similarly, with whole versus egg whites, I haven’t tested this substitution.

  27. Janice says:

    First time I’ve made avocado bread, and it was wonderful. Pro tip: use 1 cup full of mashed fruit (avocado or banana) per avocado called for in the recipe. You won’t be disappointed. Unfortunately some avocados won’t yield a full cup of mashed fruit so I can see where some bakers will be disappointed. Thank you for this tasty recipe, I will be making it again and again.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Great tip, Janice. Thank you for sharing!

  28. Isabel says:

    I made this Avocado bread today and the batter was very thick and gummy. Is there something missing from the recipe? I certainly could not pour it into the loaf pan. It was difficult even spooning it in.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      Hi Isabel, the batter is supposed to be thick as it is a quick bread, so it’s stiffer than, say, a cake batter. Is it possible that too much flour was added? How did it turn out after baking?

  29. Jennifer K says:

    This bread is so good. I used carbquik flour because I’m low carb and it turned out great.

    1. Yumna J. says:

      So glad you liked it, Jennifer!

  30. Victoria says:

    i followed the recipe very precisely, but the bread ended up being dark brown on the outside while still gummy and raw on the inside. i don’t recommend trying this recipe

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      I’m not sure why this happened, but I think the oven temperature might’ve been too high. If your oven runs hot, your bread is likely to brown and bake up on the outside before the center has a chance to fully cook.

  31. Julia says:

    The recipe was very bitter. I would be guessing that’s because of the baking powder specifically the amount.

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      Did you use aluminum-free baking powder? If you use baking powder that contains aluminum, you will have a slightly bitter taste.

  32. Sister Tammy says:

    very nice

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      Thank you so much!

  33. Shirl says:

    This was without a doubt the easiest bread I’ve ever made…and FYI at high altitude, worked perfectly….Great taste and texture…Husband requested a BLT made with this bread.

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      That is so perfect! I’m glad to hear it!!

  34. Allex says:

    Can I substitute Sevia flakes and if so how much?

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      Unfortunately I have yet to try that in this recipe, but I think it could work!

  35. Allex says:

    Any chance of measures in grams?

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      I don’t have a feature that converts the measurements to grams yet, but there are online converters that will do that!

  36. Ana Abend says:

    This was good but it had a bitter taste. Any ideas?

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      It could be the baking powder! Try using aluminium-free baking powder, which shouldn’t have as bitter of a taste.

  37. Jalesa says:

    I’m vegan.. is there a substitute for the eggs or can I omit them?

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      Unfortunately I have yet to try this with an egg substitute!

  38. Lisa Rothe says:

    How many cups of avocado is needed. I’ve never baked with or eaten avocado before.

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      You’ll need roughly 2 cups!

  39. Vicki says:

    Can you use Sr flour?

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      This recipe should work with self rising flour, but you might need to omit the baking powder because self rising flour already has baking powder in it. Let me know how it turns out if you give that a try!

  40. Lauren Zelniker says:

    This bread is so easy to make and so delicious! I made a loaf and it was all gone the first day, next time I will have to make two loaves. What a great recipe, love it!

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      It really is! Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed!!

  41. Domenica says:

    Can I sub the flour for coconut or almond flour?

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      I don’t recommend just using almond flour or coconut flour as a substitute.

  42. Car-mel says:

    Could I use honey or fruit juice,in place of sugar,my hubbie’s a diabetic

    1. Yumna Jawad says:

      Yes, I’ve used honey in this recipe with great results! The bread will be slightly less sweet, but just as delicious. You can also easily make this recipe savory by omitting the sugar and adding in some chopped herbs or cheese.

      1. Joshua Martial Hoeppner says:

        What kinda of herbs would you recommend

        1. Yumna Jawad says:

          Hmm, I think a mix of rosemary, thyme, and garlic would be good!