This is a collection of tacos, fajitas and enchilada recipes for Taco Tuesdays and beyond. They are Tex Mex inspired meals and are not meant to be authentic Mexican meals, but easy quick solutions that I make for my family. If you’re looking for taco recipes, try Mexican Street Tacos, Grilled Fish Tacos and Taco Stuffed Peppers. My favorite fajita recipes are the Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas and the Shrimp Fajitas – both very healthy and packed with protein and colorful vegetables. And for a low-carb healthy take on enchiladas, you have to try Zucchini Enchiladas, which use shaved zucchini instead of tortillas – a must try!
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Baked Chicken Tacos
25 mins
Mexican Street Tacos
1 hr 30 mins
Cheese Quesadilla
5 mins
Grilled Shrimp Tacos
35 mins
Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas
25 mins
Sheet Pan Steak Fajitas
22 mins
Easy Skillet Shrimp Fajitas
20 mins
Tofu Tacos
20 mins
Taco Stuffed Peppers
40 mins
Tempeh Tacos
20 mins
Chicken Fajita Pasta
30 mins